Workshop Registration

Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop with Pam Nelson
Welcome! Registration for an Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshop is a 3 step process.

1. Register with the School of Remembering and select the workshop you would like to attend here:
Enroll with the School of Remembering and choose your workshop 

2.  Email the registration form located  below to

3. Send your deposit via paypal or creditcard (details below)

When you register online with the School of Remembering ($14.99), you will be a lifetime member of the school, be able to access instructional videos and other educational material from Drunvalo, and obtain a certificate of completion after you have finished the workshop.

 If you have any questions regarding the workshop, the completion of the application or payment, I will be happy to talk with you. Please feel free to call me at Pam (907)452-0530 or email (

Check or Cash:  Tuition is $358 for the full 4 days if you register at least 30 days before the workshop. The regular tuition of $444 will apply if you register less than 30 days before we begin.  

PayPal: a small % is added (see below)
$444  Full Registration
$358  Early registration 30 days in advance of workshop
$222  Returning Students

*Refer a friend who attends and receive a $50 discount
*Couples attending together receive a $50 discount each ( "couples" meaning Partners who share the same finances)
*Half price tuition of $222 offered to those who have taken the workshop previously with Pam.  (early bird discount would not apply but the friend referral discount would)

Paypal Payment Click Here   
(If  you want to mail me a check, contact me)

Please send your deposit when submitting this registration.  A deposit of $115 USD (when sent by Paypal) is required to hold your space. $111 deposit if you would like to pay by check or money order.
(This deposit solidifies your commitment to attending the workshop, which truly begins on higher levels as soon as you make this commitment.)
The remaining balance is due the morning of the first day of the workshop and can be paid by cash, check or credit card.
Your deposit is non-refundable. However, if you need to cancel your attendance, and you do so more than 7 days before we begin, your deposit may be applied to a future workshop.  Let me know if there is a change in your situation as soon as you can, and I will do everything I can to help you. 
If by chance, the class is full and you are not accepted, your payment will be refunded to you in full.

Thank you for allowing me to share your journey.  Thank you for answering the call of your Heart.  It will be my delight, honor and pure joy to share this beautiful Heart Opening journey with you.

***Requested reading before attending the workshop:*** 
“Living In The Heart” by Drunvalo Melchizedek. This book is available on as a paperback book or as a digital download Ebook.

Additional Books by Drunvalo Melchizedek:  The  Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life,Vol  l and Vol II.
You may also want to watch some of Drunvalo’s Q&A videos: Drunvalo Video link