Pam Nelson Photo credit - Sarah Lewis Photography

Pam Nelson
Photo credit - Sarah Lewis Photography

About Pam

I lived and taught in rural Alaska from 1984-2005, teaching in the communities of Noorvik, Kotzebue, and Galena before moving with my family to Fairbanks, Alaska.  I began studying and practicing bodywork in 1992, and have continued to learn and broaden my understanding of the body/mind/spirit connection and healing.  

I have had amazing opportunities to study with a variety of teachers over the last 30 years.  This allows me the ability to customize a unique combination of tools and techniques appropriate for each client.

I believe one of my gifts is to be able to listen to you at many levels.  I want to hear what you think, what language you use, what you believe, and what you want.  And then I listen to your body and to your inner being.  Working with you as a team, I am sometimes leading, sometimes following, and sometimes simply witnessing.  My goal is to help you find balance, healing, and a joy in living.



Integrated Body Therapy

Coming soon: Regenerative Health Coaching and website ( - under construction)
As a recent graduate of the Institute Of Regenerative Healing, I am excited to be adding individual and group coaching classes as a Regenerative Health Practitioner.

Craniosacral Therapy & SomatoEmotional Release - Upledger Institute.  Practicing since 1990
Energy Healing - Light Body School - Alberto Villoldo - 2 year program
Traditional Knowledge of Peru - Jose Luis Herrera - 1 year program

My work is also powered by many wonderful teachers and trainings over the years:
Light Touch and Craniosacral Therapy for infants - Carol Gray, Portland Oregon
Myofascial Release Coursework - Til Luchau
Acutonics Tuning Forks Sound Healing - Acutonics I and The Fibonacci Sequence - Ron LaPlace
Certified practitioner of amazinGRACE and SKYourself - Annette Mueller, Founder at 
ÉCOLE SAN ESPRIT Healing Clinic, Germany
Christian Pankhurst - Heart iQ Training & Retreat, Netherlands
Tuning the Electric Body - Eileen McKusick
Vibrational Fascia Release - Bobbi Jo and Andrew Weaver, NEHC Academy
Full Body Presence & Long Distance Healing Intensive - Suzanne Scurlock - Healing From The Core

Awakening The Illuminated Heart Workshop

Drunvalo Melchizedek - I am a certified teacher for the Awakening The Illuminated Heart Workshop, taught through the School of Remembering based out of Sedona, Arizona.  I have been teaching since 2012.

Working With Children and Expanding The Senses

Nicola Farmer, Essex, England -  Certified teacher for the ICU Academy - Summer 2016
The Boronokov Institute - Level I - Ecology of the Spirit & Level II - Inner Vision - August 2017

I have worked as a certified classroom teacher and contact teacher in the public school system, and as a homeschool teacher for my own children for 19 years.  I have particularly enjoyed working with children who struggle with learning or how to fit into the system.  My son was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at an early age, and I learned first-hand how to look at the world and approach learning about that world through his eyes.